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西安沣河(文教园段)湿地生态公园景观设计 | GVL怡境国际集团

GVL怡境国际设计集团 2020-10-16
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    IFLA AAPME “经济可行性”类 荣誉奖


With the idea of “big park and micro tourism”, it is possible to make many costly civil landscape projects profitable. Civil projects will meet citizens’ demands for relaxation. Green trees, colorful flowers, platforms, and pavilions as well as singing birds form a beautiful scene, which is sure to bring joy and happiness to the citizens upon completion. However, it’s far from enough. The problem is that, without proper operation and any earnings, the beautiful scene will not last long. And finally places will be overgrown with weeds and wastes and covered by wastes everywhere. Nevertheless, Xi’xianFeng River Wetland Park, which is designed by GVL Group, has been transformed into a sustainable tourism destination. The model of “big park and micro tourism” has solved the problem.

▲公园鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the park




In Xixian New District of Xi’an City, a 20km long new urban axis runs across the new city center from south to north, outlining the new future of the city. As the main river flows through the South of Xixian New District, Feng River is the boundary between Xi’an ancient city andXixian International New District, witnessing the splendid history of the city and embracing its beautiful future.

▲项目区位分析,沣河作为主水脉贯穿西咸新区南部,location analysis, Feng River flows through the South of Xixian New District as the main river


Located on the west coast of FengRiver, between Xi’an-Baoji Expressway and the No. 6 Keji Road, the site is about 4km long and 100m wide averagely, covering a total area of about 880,000 m2. It is the east entrance of Xixian International Cultural and Educational Park.

项目区位分析图,location of the project


Design Purpose



August, 2014, Xixian Cultural and Educational Park was completed according to plan. The 14 sq.km park is in need of an exhibition zone to provide high-end services and attract consumers. However, what a beautiful and ecological park will bring to the new district, and how to realize its long-term maintenance? These problems have greatly challenged the design team. Therefore, the Chairman of GVL Group Peng Tao has led the design team to investigate on site and communicate with the people in charge for many times, trying to plan and design from the perspective of operation and future.

As MrPeng Tao said, “It is not only an assignment of civil landscape design but also a task involving the future operation and maintenance. What we need to think is how to attract consumers and provide financial support for the long-term operation.”

▲沣河(文教园区段)湿地生态公园总平面图,site plan of Feng River Wetland Park (Cultural and Educational Park part)


Accordingly, GVL team has proposed to design and operate the project in the mode of tourism operation. With the idea of “big park and micro tourism”, the team has designed the civil park as a tourism destination. In addition, the idea of “micro life and new mode” has introduced a new lifestyle to the citizens, which finally benefits the “innovative urban development” of Xixian New District.

▲公园鸟瞰图,植物空间、湿地空间和人行步道空间相互交融,bird-eye’s view of the park, the plants, wetlands and walk paths integrate into a whole

01. 城市双修工程:以“古河道,新绿洲”实现城市双修

Urban Renovation: Renovate the urban area with the idea of “old watercourse and new oasis”


Surrounded by Wei River, Ba River, Chan River, Jing River, Feng River, Hao River, Lao River and Yu River, Chang’an, the ancient name of Xi’an City, was once called the “sea on the continent”. However, the eight rivers have been destroyed more or less since then. Reconstructing the eco system along Feng River and recovering the watercourse are very urgent.


▲公园局部鸟瞰图,partial bird-eye’s view of the park

候鸟栖息 | Migratory Birds Habitat


Feng River is on one of the three migration route of birds. The intertidal zone and wetland within the site are the habitat for migratory birds. Every year, the wetland will welcome different species of birds from October to March.

▲候鸟栖息地设计概念图,design concept of the migratory birds habitat


To collect water, the designers have created a weir with ripraps to create an effective wetland system and a sound environment for the birds. Plants and walk paths are used to protect birds from any disturbance.

▲候鸟栖息地,结合抛石围堰营造适合鸟类栖居的生境,the migratory birds habitat, creating a sound environment for the birds with a weir with ripraps

▲候鸟栖息地,植物空间与人行步道保护鸟类的活动免受干扰,the migratory birds habitat, plants and walk paths are used to protect birds from any disturbance

海绵城市 | Sponge City 


As one of the the pilot districts of Sponge City technology, Fengxi New Town of Xixian New District is an experimental site within the cultural and educational park. The Sponge City team has created a micro-topography by filling and excavating. Rainwater garden, artificial wetland, bio-swale, infiltrating pool and reservoir are designed to collect acid water. The ground is covered by breathable materials to ensure the annual flow, reduce the pollution of the rainwater, and recycle the waste water. All these measures ensure the flexibility and sustainability of the park.

▲海绵城市概念图,concept diagram of the sponge city

▲公园局部,通过微地形、雨水花园、生态草沟等设计来实现海绵城市的概念,partial view of the park, realizing the idea of the sponge city by micro-topography, rainwater garden and bio-swale, etc.

湿地净化体系图:湿地净化 | Wetland Purification System: Wetland Purification 


Making use of the drainage water from the supply pumping station, the team designed a stair-style rainwater garden and a linear artificial wetland. Excessive rainwater will be drained away to keep a balance of the water. It has created a wetland for education, participation and touring.

▲湿地净化体系概念图,concept diagram of the wetland purification system

02. 旅游产品构建:以“大公园,微旅游”构建产品体系

Creation of A Tourism Product: The idea of “big park and micro tourism” helps to establish a product system


To design a park which is interesting and different from others is the key to meet the demands of modern city life. Before the design, the team has had a survey on the satisfaction of parks in Xi’an City, trying to find some solutions during the process. At the same time, the team predicted the requirements of the potential tourists and future residents according to the survey and big data, and then defined the functions. According to the investigation, public spaces which are multifunctional, creative and rich in experiences are popular with modern citizens. Modern people prefer to participate in nearby and social-type tourism activities.

▲公园局部鸟瞰图,一个业态丰富、有创意、体验感强的公共开放空间,partial bird-eye’s view of the park with public spaces that are multifunctional, creative and rich in experiences

植物迷宫 | Plants Labyrinth


Labyrinth pattern is inspired by bronze ware of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Circular and square patterns show respect to nature.

▲公园局部,云纹和雷纹的植物迷宫采用圆形与方形的连续构图,partial view of the park, the plants labyrinth uses circular and square patterns, inspired by bronze ware of the Western Zhou Dynasty

▲从高点的观景台看植物迷宫,viewing the plants labyrinth from the high spot of the platform

地形起伏的花田 | The Rolling Flower Field


The rolling flower field provides multi-experiences from different perspectives.

▲公园中起伏的草坪绿地,the rolling grassland in the park

▲公园中的黄色花田,the yellow flower field in the park

▲置身于地形起伏的紫色花田中,putting oneself in the rolling purple flower field

▲流线组织出高点,俯视花田,overlooking the flower fields at the high spot organized by the circulation

游乐场:探索性游戏空间 | The Playground: A Place Encourages Children To Experience And Explore


The design has taken advantage of the height differences out of the embankment and designed a playground which will encourage children to experience and explore.

▲公园局部鸟瞰图,色彩斑斓的游乐场空间,partial bird-eye’s view of the park, the playground area is rich in color

▲游乐场空间,利用河堤外场地的高差设置,the playground space designed by taking advantage of the height differences out of the embankment

▲游乐场局部,一个探索性游戏空间,partial view of the playground space that encourages children to experience and explore

▲孩子们在游乐场上玩耍,children are playing on the playground space


Boutique Life: The idea of “simple life and new mode” contributes to a boutique life


Xixian Cultural and Educational Park is high-end international community integrating healthcare, recreation, culture, ecology and service. To meet the demands for high-quality life, education and self-worth, the architectural design team has created a boutique building which is in perfect harmony with the surroundings. Relaxing atmosphere and varied communication spaces will satisfy people of different ages all year round. It will strengthen the bond between the citizens and the community.

24驿布点计划 | 24-hour Service Station 


Along the main road, “Feng River corridor”, 24-hour service stations are built to serve a radius of 500 meters. The intelligent service system is connected with the Xi’an Tourism system.

▲24驿站设计概念,concept of the 24-hour service station


The Wetland Park welcomes tourists from afar with the caravan and tent camp which allows people to have colorful outdoor experience at any time.

▲沣河湿地生态公园房车、帐篷营地区,the caravan and tent camp area


To keep in harmony with the surroundings, the architectural design team have created simple and elegant blocks by modern skills, which provide people with intelligent social spaces. The buildings house petrol station, supermarket, bathroom, restaurant and police office. What’s more, to meet people’s desire for entertainment, the team insists on flexible design and sets aside enough spaces for activities like music festival. Weekends are the happy time for parents and children as well as for family reunion. Elegant and fashionablecaféhouse will allow people to enjoy beautiful life.

▲公园局部,将步道和建筑体量融入生态和自然场域,partial view of the park, the walk paths and blocks keep in harmony with the surroundings

▲公园局部,简洁的体块让虚实空间交融,partial view of the park, simple and elegant blocks merge into the surroundings, integrating the solid and void spaces

▲公园建筑内部,interior view of the blocks in the park

结语 Epilogue


“The reeds on the riverside are bluish green, white dews of deep autumn condense into frost. My lover,I miss you day and night. You just stand on the other shore of river water“. The beautiful poem is quoted from Shih Ching (The Book of Songs in ancient China), which just describes the beautiful image along Feng River.

▲公园局部,partial view of the park

▲公园局部,步道旁设有休息空间,partial view of the park, arranging seating area beside the walk paths


Transforming a simple civil project into a tourism destination is a new mode proposed and created by GVL Group and the developer. We really hope that Feng River Wetland Park remains to be a beautiful destination many years later. Feng River Wetland Park provides colorful experiences in four seasons.

▲沣河生态湿地公园的春夏秋冬,four seasons of the Feng River Wetland Park











Project: Feng River Wetland Environmental Design:

Client: Shaanxi Xixian Cultural Tourism Industry Group Co.,Ltd.

Category: Urban Open Space

Area:882,053 m2

Year of Design:2016~2017

Year of Completion: 2019

Tourism Planning and Design:Peng Tao, Liu Gang, Wu Cuiping, LuoXushuo, Ma Jie, Li Xuanzhao, Gao Yan, Chen Tao, Wang Yanjun, Liu Zhiyong, Sun Zhiqiang, Cao Yang, Meng Chan, Ma Chunhua, Chen Yueling, Gong Chuyao, LanYuhong, Wu Bing, Yang Dong, LvRuifen

Sponge City Design:LvQiujie, Zhou Guangsen, Cao Jingyi, Guan Xiaofen

Architectural Design: Liu Zhi Ping, Pan Qingwen, Chen Yiyu

Landscape Design: GVL Group







