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瑞士日内瓦7000橡树景观设计 | BUREAU

经典案例 2020-11-13 来源:gooood
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日内瓦CEVA车站延伸了,或者说将自己植入了多元化关系的理念中。这座由Jean Nouvel和Eric Maria设计的新基础设施重新定义的日内瓦地区的可达性,以一种友好的连接方式介入到人们的生活之中。火车从地下开过,人们可以上下穿行,穿过基础土壤的垂直分层,进入一片由138棵橡树和上百种其他植物共同组成的生长空间。

The project of the CEVA station in Geneva extends, or installs itself within this idea of multifaceted relationships. The new infrastructure, thought and designed by Jean Nouvel and Eric Maria as a piece of a network of stations redefining the Geneva region accessibilities, relates to our intervention, in a companionship connection. Trains pass by, in the underground, and people go up and down, traversing the vertical layers of the infrastructural soil, to discover a growing condition, composed of 138 oak trees and hundreds of other planted companions.


▲项目鸟瞰,新车站及周围景观,aerial view of the project, the new station and the surrounding landscape

▲顶视图,景观由形状不一的绿岛组成,top view, landscape composed of islands in different shapes


The simple idea of “just” planting trees, accompanies the arrivals and departures of the new regional train line. Flows from the underground transform, adapt their pace into slower meandering routes, proposing a sort of “flaneur” experience, under and with the trees and their intense planted ground. These micro eco-systems are hosted in dedicated islands, not necessarily accessible to humans. They have enough space elsewhere. They can sit, enjoy their pauses and chats on the borders of these islands and on dedicated urban furniture.

▲绿岛上种植微型生态系统,micro eco-system hosted in the islands

Joseph Beuys为1982年卡塞尔文献展设置的7000棵橡树成为了艺术世界的一个转折点。在简单的概念指引下,艺术家成功地利用艺术行为激活了环境意识,并且不断发扬壮大。同样在1980年代,人们还见证了针对地球生物暴力的迅速升级。从那以后,尽管人们尝试提高环境意识以对抗这种倾向,但收效甚微。


Joseph Beuys’ 7000 oaks for the 1982 Documenta in Kassel constituted a turn in the art world. By a quite simple conceptual gesture the artist managed to use the power of art discourse and action to activate an environmental concern that has grown ever since. This happened in the1980s, the same decade which saw a very substantial acceleration of violence towards all living beings on earth. Ever since, we have been trying to develop our consciousness to counter this movement, with a relatively poor success.

One of the most interesting issues about his art gesture is that it constituted a real contract with the city of Kassel. It was through the engagement of a contractual relation that the piece acquired all its strength. Its subtitle was important as well: City forestation instead of City administration. The discussions, polemics, and difficulties to find the funds for this enormous project had the consequence of it being treated exactly as a moment or point of a political agenda. This is probably the most powerful argument of the proposal. From his artist position and posture, Beuys anticipated what was going to become a political and civic issue: the presence of the vegetal and animal (other-than-human-living-beings) world in urban fabrics as a breathing, vital necessity.


▲车站出入口与树木相结合,trees integrated with the entrance of the station

▲植物进入城市空间,plants presented in urban space

这个议题的另一个观点是:共生。人类需要依靠其他生物将大气转变为可以呼吸的氧气。这些其转化作用的、美丽的有机机器,亦可以是人类的伙伴,与人类共同生活。植物以谨慎、甚至壮观多变的形式成为人们生活的一部分,反之亦然。法国植物学家Francis Halle曾经广泛谈论过树木的审慎。尽管树木十分壮阔,但它们从不会鄙视其他相对弱小的生物。树木是和平的伙伴。

There is another perspective on this: co-existence. We depend on other living beings to transform the atmospheric air into breathable oxygen. We can also think of these beautiful transforming organic machines as companions, creatures that live with us. The discreet, sometimes majestic, dynamic presence of plants is part of our lives and our lives are symmetrically part of theirs. French botanist Francis Halle has talked extensively about the discretion of trees, how their rather important presence does not involve any sort of arrogance over other smaller and less powerful beings. Trees are peaceful companions.

▲人们的活动与绿岛,人与其他生物共生,people’s activities among the islands, co-existence of human and other beings

城市更新包括能量推动和城市变革,最终成长为更加复杂的自然,而非仅仅是由笨重的材料和机械的活动组成。 “物品”与“生命”交织,相互作用,使城市纤维结合成为了一套紧密的、差异化的、并且令人激动的组织。在这里,大多数人都将享受在复合的环境中和睦相处。

Cities renew, evolve through dynamism and urban mutation; they grow as a more complex nature than one just made out of inert materials and mechanical fluids. All of it is part of an intertwined ensembles of “things” and beings that interact and make the urban fabric a tense, contrasted and exciting tissue where most of us enjoy being in a composite togetherness.

▲与绿岛结合的公交车站,bus station integrated with the islands

▲采用自然形态的栏杆,handrail using natural form


With time, patience and experience, the place will become a specific and beautiful eco-system, where people, trees, microbes, insects, other plants will co-exist peacefully. Some of us will still be in a hurry and dig down the escalators to take the next train, some others will breathe slowly observing from above the red lights of the train lines for decades, growing, discussing, and looking at the world resiliently.

▲丰富的植物成为美丽的生态系统,diverse plants creating a beautiful eco-system


▲绿岛轴测图,axonometric of one island


▲公交车站轴测图,axonometric of the bus station


▲总平面图,site plan


▲局部平面图,partial plan

Competition: BUREAU (Daniel Zamarbide – www.bureau.ac) with Leopold Banchini Architects (www.leopoldbanchini.com)

Realization: BUREAU | Daniel Zamarbide, Carine Pimenta, Galliane Zamarbide (www.bureau.ac)

Location: Plateau de Champel, Geneva, Switzerland

Program: Landscape planning for the public space around Champel station for CEVA rail line.

Lead architects: Jolan Haidinger, Joana Croft, Vanessa Pointet

Design Team: Anna Scorretti, Lilian Pala, Luísa Pires, Mélanie Ganino, Pauline Tondreau, Peter Bauer, Thibault Pierron, Andreina Mosquera

Partners:   Thomas Jundt ingénieurs Civils SA, Alfred Forster AG

Completion date: June, 2020

Area: 14’225 m2 gross, 9’656 m2 of public space, 2’416 m2 of planted surface

Photography: Dylan Perrenoud – digital camera, Guillaume Collignon –analog photography, medium format

135 oak trees employed: Quercus Acutissima, Quercus Castaneifolia, Quercus Cerris, Quercus Frainetto, Quercus Petraea, Quercus Pubescens, Quercus Robur

7’239 perennial plants and shrubs employed: Abelia grandiflora, Amelanchier rotundifolia, Aquilegia vulgaris, Artemisia arb.‘Powis Castle‘, Berberis vulgaris, Campanula latifolia, Campanula rapunculoides, Carex foliosissima, Carex ornithopoda, Choysya ternata, Colutea arborescens, Cornus mas, Cornus sanguinea, Corylopsis pauciflora, Cowdalis lutea, Daphne laureola, Dryopteris filix-mas, Erigeron karwinskianus, Euphorbia characias ssp. wulfenii, Fragaria vesca, Geranium cantabrigiense, Geranium macrorrhizum, Geranium sanguineum, Hamamelis mollis, Hedera colchica ‘Arborescens’, Heuchera sanguinea, Hydrangea quercifolia, Ilex crenata, Ligustrum ovalifolium, Ligustrum vulgare ‘Atrovirens‘, Lonicera nitida, Lonicera pileata, Luzula nivea, Malva moschata, Origanum vulgare, Osmanthus heterophyilus ‘Gulftide‘, Osmanthus x burkwoodii, Phlomis russeliana (samia), Polystichum aculeatum, Polystichum setiferum, Rhamnus catharcticus, Ribes alpinum, Staphylea pinnata, Stipa gigantea, Viburnum lantana, Waldsteinia ternata







