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万隆高架桥下电影公园景观设计 l SHAU

shau 2020-08-05
  • 项目名称:
  • 项目地点:
  • 项目规模:
    1155 m²
  • 设计公司:
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  • 建成时间:
  • 图片来源:
    Anton Cahyadi (aerial), SHAU (rest)

Taman Film是2013年我们在万隆的第一个公共空间项目。当时的新任市长里德万·卡米尔(Ridwan Kamil)计划改造Jalan Pasupati和Pasupati桥下空间,并将这些改造的小型公共空间连接起来,Taman Film(电影公园)就是这线形公共空间的一部分。这个桥下空间曾垃圾堆积如山,充斥着恶臭味,没人敢靠近,是一个被遗弃的空间,甚至一度被认为是鬼魂出没的地方。里德万·卡米尔计划首先清理垃圾并建造以彩色单座混凝土方块体为主的孤独之心公园(Taman Jomblo)系列公共空间。其次建造一个滑板公园,有为滑板爱好者提供的跑酷空间,同时也有为儿童和初学者提供的开放课程。然后是建造Taman Film公园和迷你足球场,最后在毗邻河流的城中村建设一个绿色公园。

Taman Film is our first public space project in Bandung in 2013. Ridwan Kamil – back then newly elected mayor– started to plan Taman Film (Film Park) as one part of a linear chain of smaller, connected public spaces underneath Jalan Pasupati and the Pasupati bridge. This place was seen as not only negative but also dark, scary and it was even believed to be haunted.  Garbage was piling up, nobody dared to visit the area. Ridwan Kamil’s strategy was to clean up and implement a series of public spaces: Taman Jomblo (lonely hearts park) - an installation of colorful, single-seater concrete cubes. This is followed by a skate park with several parcours used by the skater community and with open courses for children and beginners. Next is the Taman Film, and after that a sports field to play mini soccer (futsal), finally ending in a green park of a local kampung (urban village) adjacent to the river.


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Taman Film旨在满足在万隆居住的电影群体的需求。在Taman Film建设之前,他们既没有能放电影的设备,也很难找到一个可以坐着看电影的公共空间。2014年,市长委任SHAU对桥下空间进行设计改造,并与承包商、潜在用户和当地政府就项目进行沟通,以确保建成后的项目能够满足当地居民需求和未来区域发展。

Taman Film was intended to accommodate the film community, which has a strong presence in Bandung. Before Taman Film, they had no facility to screen movies and it was hard to find a public space with seating area. The mayor appointed SHAU in 2014 to design it. Project communication with the contractor, potential users and local government ensured that the design would fit local needs & possibilities.

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Taman Film公园能容纳大量的观众,而且平时可用作交流和活动空间。场地地形向河流方向自然下降,内外半径不一的曲线台阶,提供不同大小的用于交流的私密“空间”。最终呈现既有趣又有高度灵活性的座位空间,人们三五结群利用台阶式座椅空间。台阶的曲线几何形状加上被不同绿色的人造草地覆盖,所以整个空间呈现出“蓬松感”,给人一种想要触摸和拥抱的冲动。天桥充当了整个区域的屋顶作用,令人免受雨水的侵扰,而这又促使人们脱下鞋子,将Taman Film视为一个室内而非室外空间。即使不放映电影,附近城中村的居民依然喜欢来这里聚会聊天。

Taman Film is designed in such a way that it does not only accommodate movie screening for a large audience, but also to function as a seating and activity landscape while nobody is watching. The existing topography naturally descends towards the river. Curvilinear steps with different inner and outer radii were proposed. The intention was to give people pockets of different sizes to form “rooms” for groups to be able to chat with each other or occupy an enclave to have a more excluded, individual experience. The final result is a playful, spontaneous and highly flexible seating arrangement, with each curved element to allow grouping for 2, 3, 5, 7 and more people. The park is fully covered with different shades of green of artificial grass and due to curvilinear geometry of the steps. The ‘fluffiness’ of this public space gives a ‘Kuschelecke’ (German word for a hugging corner) quality. That and the fact that the whole area is rain protected due to the overpass acting as roof, makes people take off their shoes and treat Taman Film more as an indoor rather than an outdoor environment. Residents in nearby urban villages use it often anytime of the day, with or without movie screening.


Anton Cahyadi Aerial 1-1.jpg

© Anton Cahyadi

平面图 © SHAU

立面图 © SHAU

座位示意图 © SHAU

居民们将这儿视为他们的“城市客厅”,社区里的孩子们放学后会来这里玩耍,也有在这里迈出人生第一步的婴儿。久而久之,这个公园给居民带来了不可言喻的“归属感”。这里每周都会举办不同规模的聚会,从每周的arisan活动(一种印尼妇女间的社交聚会,涉及集体募捐和幸运抽奖)到各种各样、不同类型的社团活动,如当地的跆拳道俱乐部也会在公园进行训练。周末会有小贩坐在底层台阶上售卖孩子们喜欢的 “气球剑”,也有家庭在此野餐聚会。最壮观的聚会,当属当地足球俱乐部“Persib Bandung”赢得2015年总统杯的那个夜晚,Taman Film公园挤满了成千上万的支持者为他们庆祝。

What is fascinating is that the sense of belonging built up naturally among residents. Perhaps they have claimed it as their ‘urban living room’, where neighbourhood kids play after school and babies took their first steps. Every week there are various gatherings, large and small, from mothers doing weekly arisan –an Indonesian social gathering between women involving collective fundraising and a lucky draw every month – to all sorts of hobby communities. We also spotted local Taekwondo clubs doing their training there. In the weekend there are vendors sitting at the bottom stairs of the Taman Film selling long ‘balloon swords’ for kids to play with, while families are having picnics.  The most spectacular use of the Taman Film however was when ‘Persib Bandung’, the local football club was playing and winning the Presidential Cup in 2015. That very evening, Taman Film was filled to the brim with thousands of spectators supporting their team and participating in the public viewing event.


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Taman Film公园对外开放已有7年,但与万隆的其他公园相比,相对整洁干净。居民之间也形成了一种默认的规定,即在进入此空间前要先脱鞋,就像进入一处铺有地毯的客厅或步入小清真寺。使用者亦不能将垃圾留在那里。最令我们感动的是,居民们似乎制定了清洁时间表,这种行为在万隆其他公共场所是很难见到的。

As the designers of the park, we were taken by surprise that in comparison to other parks in Bandung, seven years after it was opened, it is still relatively clean and maintained. There is an unwritten agreement between residents to take shoes off before entering the space, like when someone would enter a carpeted living room or a musholla (a small mosque). Users don’t leave their garbage there. The residents seem to have their own cleaning schedule, which is heart warming, knowing that this kind of gesture is not seen in other public spaces in Bandung.








