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浙江融创 · 莫干溪谷一亩田 | line+ 建筑事务所

line+建筑事务所 2021-10-20
  • 项目名称:
    融创 • 莫干溪谷一亩田度假社区
  • 项目地点:
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项目位于德清市莫干山东麓。基地保留了现有农田肌理及山谷视廊,总体轮廓呈现不规则形状——南北长约 109 米,东西长约 112 米,总用地面积约一万平方米,整体坡地态势自西向东,自北向南递增。

The project is located at the eastern foot of Mogan Mountain in Deqing City. The site retains the texture of the existing farmland and the long valley tourist corridor, and the outline of the site takes on an irregular shape, measuring about 109 meters from north to south and 112 meters from east to west. The total land area is about 10,000 square meters. The overall height of the slope increases from west to east and from north to south. 


Surrounding scenery

03 园区实景 ©融创.jpg

左:原别墅方案  右:场地分析

Original villa scheme (left), site analysis (right)

04 左 原别墅方案   右 场地分析 ©gad · line+ studio.jpg

05 ©gad · line+ studio.jpg


In this project, we tried to break through the experience-based community under the real estate model, and realize the reconstruction of contemporary settlements and the shaping of new life social vacation carriers.

01 规划策略 

Planning Strategy


A group of buildings in small-scale, high-density and group-style is easy to meet the demands. Not controlled by the north-south row layout experience, we adhere to the logic of the traditional settlement space-to establish boundaries with terrain height differences and pastoral landscapes, to connect neighborhoods with street space, to build a space for communication among people with a landscape platform and to build the culture building as the core space. At the same time, combined with the terrains, as far as possible to achieve the non-blocking of the landscape view on the section.


Texture generation diagram

10 肌理生成分析  ©gad · line+ studio.jpg



11 场地剖面  ©gad · line+ studio.jpg


On the naturally terrains, the building units are laid out freely, taking advantage of the situation. Taking into account the base, orientation, viewable range, density and so on, the relationship between buildings is adjusted with the unit of 0.1 meter. The resulting “settlement” appears to be a random result, but is actually a precise calculation after more than 30 revisions. 

03 建筑单体 

Individual Building 


The individual building is a rectangular volume covered by a pitched roof. The roof adopts the linear shape of a traditional double pitch roof instead of a traditional Chinese curved roof. There are two types of roofs, the double pitch roof and the diagonally folded roof, which correspond to two different functions of guest rooms and public spaces.


The scheme of two buildings with three staircases and public lobby hall in the middle is for less shared area and more available floor area. The independent vertical transportation system is more conducive to the shape of the building, and the corridor can also realize the connection between public and private.

04 材料构造 

Material and Structures


The roof is paved with plane cement tiles, and the junction with the cornice adopts the standardized cross-section aluminum plate folding and closing, which enhances the delicate sense of design, and also reduces the decorative accessories of various tile roofs, thus reducing the cost.


Wall detail

023 墙身剖面 ©gad · line+ studio.jpg

024 摄影:孙磊.jpg


The wall materials are mainly natural and localized, including rammed earth, strip stone and bamboo-wood wall panels.

025 摄影:孙磊.jpg


Rammed earth-a 120mm wall on the outside of the wall insulation as the base layer of the rammed earth coating, which increases the depth of the window holes and restores the heavy sense of the rammed earth wall. In the construction process, the detail drawing was for different coating color levels, and then adjusted the details according to the real wall effect, until the real ecological rammed earth texture was presented.


Drawings of rammed earth

026 夯土墙图纸控制 ©gad · line+ studio.jpg

027 摄影:简直建筑-空间摄影.jpg


Stone-In the form of schist hanging boards, a 120mm decorative wall is also added to the outside of the waterproof insulation layer on the front and north of the building, and finally a “wet sticking” method is used to solve the firmness problem of the strip stone outside the external insulation layer. 


Bamboo wood boards - Different from the “rammed earth”, “stone house”, the main body of public buildings is made of black bamboo and wood boards. Industrialized black bamboo-wood wall boards are dry hung on the exterior wall surface with keel, expressing the functional attributes of public spaces in architectural form.

030 摄影:孙磊.jpg

05 室内设计 

Interior Design


Guided by the family-oriented lifestyle, the layout of the interior space is stable and changeable to meet different needs of each family. The parlor and activity space are pushed to the balcony to expand the scope of activities; the private space such as the living room is moved to the stable area, and forms two parts that can be divided and combined with the bathroom by placing a grille.


Floor plans


The rammed earth material texture of the outdoor wall extends inward, and the diatom mud coating with surface paint treatment is applied to the interior facade decoration. Combined with wood veneer and the furniture system of wood color, it presents a simple and exquisite living environment as a whole, and also shows a special charm different from urban residences.

033 摄影:ingallery.jpg

06 景观设计 

Landscape Design


“Poetic dwelling” is inspired by people’s pursuit of freedom and nature. The strategy of landscape design is the re-creation of the natural site. On the original slope, a new channel of communication and interaction between man and nature and between people is constructed by using the technique of “negative landscape design” with local materials and scenery. In the design, we first interpret the height difference changes in the site, and finally comb it in the form of a ladder from southeast to northwest along the hillside, to form a multi-level and multi-sequence spatial form that can meet a variety of outdoor functions. 

034 摄影:简直建筑-空间摄影.jpg


Set up multi-stage retaining walls to stabilize the mountain. And set drainage channels at the roots of the retaining walls to guide surface runoff, and realize water retention, storage, purification, and water circulation through the water system to protect the local ecological environment.

07 结语



Under the background of homogenization and standardization of the type, Yimutian breaks through the empirical rules of the market. With traditional settlements as the type concept, space as the carrier of a new lifestyle, and social contact as the emotional connection, it leads the community upgrading with cultural inheritance, thus realizing the new idyllic community and the texture of real estate development.

037 摄影:孙磊.jpg




Site plan

038 总平面图  ©gad · line+ studio.jpg


Ground floor plan

039 一层平面 ©gad · line+ studio.jpg


项目名称  融创 • 莫干溪谷一亩田度假社区

项目地点  浙江省湖州市德清县

建筑、室内、景观设计  gad • line+ studio

网站  www.lineplus.studio

联络邮箱  pr@lineplus.studio

主持建筑师/项目主创  孟凡浩

设计团队  陶涛、周超、邢舒、范圳、万云程(建筑)、金鑫、张宁、王丽婕、赵嘉琦、胡晋玮(室内)、李上阳、金剑波、池晓媚、苏陈娟(景观)

结构机电设计  浙江绿城建筑设计有限公司

设计团队  任光勇、卢哲刚(结构)、崔大梁、房园园、陈谨菡、刘浩、李翔(机电)

建筑面积  9596.29平方米

设计时间  2018/01-2018/08

建造时间  2018/09-2020/09

业主  融创东南区域集团

摄影  孙磊、ingallery、简直建筑-空间摄影

Project name: Sunac • Mogan Valley Yimutian

Project Location: Deqing, Huzhou, Zhejiang

Architecture interior landscape design: gad • line+ studio

Website: www.lineplus.studio

Contact: pr@lineplus.studio

Chief Architect / Project Leader: Meng Fanhao

Design Team: Tao Tao, Zhou Chao, Xing Shu, Fan Zhen, Wan Yuncheng (Architecture), Jin Xin, Zhang Ning, Wang Lijie, Zhao Jiaqi, Hu Jinwei (Interior), Li Shangyang, Jin Jianbo, Chi Xiaomei, Su Chenjuan (Landscape)

Structural Electromechanical Design: Zhejiang Greenton Architecture Design Co., Ltd.

Design Team: Ren Guangyong, Lu Zhegang (structure), Cui Daliang, Fang Yuanyuan, Chen Jinhan, Liu Hao, Li Xiang (mechanical and electrical)

Floor area: 9596.29 square meters

Design Time: 2018/01-2018/08

Construction Time: 2018/09-2020/09

Client: Sunac China Southeast Regional Group

Photography: Sun Lei, ingallery, Jianzhi-Arch Photography









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